Riksdagens EU-granskning: Mer kontroll, men få invändningar.
Vad handlar det om?
Riksdagen granskade 132 EU-förslag 2023 och lämnade sju invändningar, fler än de flesta andra länder, men få i förhållande till antalet förslag. EU-kommissionen rapporterade felaktigt om antalet svenska invändningar. En EU-rapport föreslår en utredning om den låga användningen av subsidiaritetsmekanismen.
Betänkandet skapades för att uppfylla riksdagens regelverk som kräver årlig uppföljning av tillämpningen av subsidiaritetsprincipen i relation till EU-lagstiftning. Detta säkerställer att riksdagen utför sin roll i att bevaka svenska intressen i EU-beslutsfattandet.
The primary goal is to monitor the Riksdag's application of the subsidiarity principle regarding EU legislation, ensuring compliance with the Riksdag's rules of procedure and safeguarding Swedish interests within the EU legislative process.
Tidslinje - vad förväntas hända?
Kortsiktiga förändringar
Within a year, we might see increased awareness of the subsidiarity principle among Swedish policymakers and citizens, potentially leading to more informed discussions about EU legislation. The EU investigation recommended in the Draghi report may be underway, but its results won't be available yet.
Medelsiktiga förändringar
In five years, the long-term effects of the potential EU investigation will be clearer. This could range from minimal impact (if the current system is deemed sufficient) to more significant changes in EU legislation or procedures, potentially giving Swedish citizens more influence over laws affecting their lives.
Långsiktiga förändringar
In ten years, the impact could be substantial, possibly leading to a more significant shift in the balance of power between the EU and its member states, with Swedish citizens potentially experiencing a more noticeable impact on their daily lives due to changes in EU legislation and the application of the subsidiarity principle. However, this hinges on the outcome of the potential EU investigation and subsequent actions.